Stop wasting good reviews

Teleport your good reviews to platforms like G2 and reap the rewards of a good listing


Capture reviews
Capture reviews anywhere and at anytime
Teleport reviews
Teleport your reviews to G2 and other platforms
Display reviews
Display reviews on your website to encourage purchase


Free while we are in Beta.

Join the waitlist

We will send you an update when it’s ready


How much does it cost?

Free while in Beta

How does it work?

Install a snippet of code into your product, website, or anywhere you want to capture reviews.

You can now display a pop-up to your users requesting a review. These reviews are captured and can be teleported to platforms like G2 which will boost your product listing and reputation.

How do I try this out?

We are currently in beta and have a waiting list. Join the waiting list and we will notify you the moment we are ready to onboard more customers.